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Mardi Slim (Barru Monkey x Barru Liz)
aka King - a leggy black & tan dog b 01/04/2016 working nicely in both paddock and yard, King has good cover and hold he is a silent worker. He has good walk up strength on sheep, cattle and goats. Not whip shy. Also good in yards. Will bark on command and starting to back. King is a very classy relaxed worker who gives his stock plenty of distance. His sire Barru Monkey is a multiple trial winner. King will be out competing at trials in the near future. WKC reg
Wandabar Jock (Rhettlenash Jock x Cotway Webby)
Jock is a solid black & tan dog pup b 26/04/2016 working nicely in both paddock and yard, Jock has good footwork, cover and hold.. He has good walk up strength on sheep, cattle and goats.
Not whip shy. Also good in yards. Will bark on command and starting to back. Jock is very strong and once mature will be mainly used on cattle. He has nose bite and is totally fearless. His sire Rhettlenash Jock is an open trial winner. 
WKC reg
Stockmans Bush (Stockmans Scrub x Riana Liz)
aka Boss - a solid black & tan dog b Jan 2015 working nicely in both paddock and yard. Boss has a huge cast and is a very strong worker with plenty of force on cattle. Will nose bite. Silent worker. He has good walk up strength on sheep, cattle and goats. Not whip shy. Also good in yards with a big deep bark on command. Boss also has enough style to bring the chickens in safely at the end of the day and bring break away sheep back to the mob. WKC reg
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